Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I do exercise regularly.

I run, swim if the water is warm enough, bike, a little weights and stretching, different each day of the week. I am not using a regular program, but try to focus on one cardio per week and have a little bit of the rest in it.

Try bodyweight exercises
So I tried some other stuff, push-ups (pew), squats, lunges, bicycle crunches, burpees, pullups, chinups, russian twists and so on, for half an hour. I am beat! The burpees are killers, I had to stop very soon and just did some pushups and jump squats, that was definitely enough! Found nice info on this at, liked some videos on and especially liked the description at Sandeep, although it is not as designed as the other ones.

So I guess this will help me get fit again, I was a little stunned when my daughter ran faster on short distance than I did! I guess she is training now too, as I told her that's not going to happen again. She has a healthy attitude to competition... Might be that it hurts getting there, I feel the crunch even when sitting. A little pain, but a nice feeling anyway!

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