Monday, April 27, 2009

A fresh start with a bow

I want to make a new bow again. After having done that once, I always wanted to do that again. The eternal question is ..... "when". When would I have time enough to do that? All the tools and materials? Now I have the time, but do I want to spend the money?

Either having time - while searching for a new job - or having money while having a job, but hardly ever both, this can be quite challenging.

Anyway, I decided to go ahead. I started taking a course (beginner) at K.C. Outdoors on Saturday mornings, and it is just great. First time I had quite some bruises on my left arm from the string hitting it, but second time was much better. And I think I am pretty good, I really hit the target sometimes.

So, I placed an ad on craigslist, someone responded and I felled two small elm trees, the straightest we could find. (THANKS, Daryll!)
Home again, I split them with an axe and two metal wedges, and then skinned them with my knife. They are pretty crooked and have some big, many small branches, but I'll just give it a try. I cannot wait (hope I can, though) to start cutting the bow out of the trunk, I wonder how long I have to wait for them to dry. They seem pretty dry from the start, may be because of that long drought they are relatively dry already. Hm.

(I need a draw knife still, but that's not that easy to find. )

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