Sunday, December 31, 2017


German rolls are called 'Broetchen' and thus should count as small breads, right?

All white flour, for a change, 60& hydration, half milk, half water.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Garden Guest - Guarden Pest

Picture from October:
Not sure if this guest is as welcome as others. We sure love all the butterflies, and accept the caterpillars. But this one is quite big, ate quite a few leaves before vanishing again.
We had another one same size, but green earlier, and it munched quite heavily on tomatoes.

Length of both over 10 cm, quite large. 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Batard whole wheat

Still working on my batards -this is one of my first ones. Using commercial yeast, and a couche - but not a basket when proofing. Quite edible.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

100 % whole wheat sourdough

All whole wheat (HEB Organics) with 75% hydration, baked in a cast iron pot.
Preferred density in the house - bigger holes are frowned upon, at times.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

a box in a box in a box in a box: origami

A project - just for fun. And to package small gifts. And to work with Udo (he did some himself).

Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Fresh! flour and a tiny loaf

Finally we made it again to the Barton Springs Mill, after having tried some award winning olive oil.

Got some flours: red fife, sanora, turkey red, yecora - all new for me, last time we bought other varieties (and they were outstanding).

The flours are whole grain (except yecora, 85% extraction) and are superfine.
Kneading these is a revelation, much, much stronger gluten building in very short time - and outstanding flavors, all organic, too.

So here's a product, a tiny whole wheat loaf so I can bake more often ;-D
 (a 2 cup flour sourdough loaf = 300g, 80% hydration). Moist, crunchy, and outstanding flavor with this flour.

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