Sunday, May 04, 2014

Soundspace NYC 1960 at the Blanton Museum of Art

What a great 'soundspace' at the Blanton museum again, this one day featuring minimalist music fitting to the current exhibition 'converging lines' with works from Eva Hesse and Sol Levitt. Great expo, small but really good.

The exposition on Eva Hesse and Sol Levitt at the Blanton Contemporary Spaces Expo.

Very interesting to see how many artists clustered in NYC at that time, including Steve Reich, Philip Glass, Yoko Ono, the two mentioned artists Hesse and Levitt, and many more.

The soundspaces event accompanied the expo with live music from a variety of ensembles - all playing minimalistic music from these composers and their modern followers in minimalism.
What a pity that the Blanton does not keep their past events up, so I have to link to the Austin Chronicle announcement of the Soundspace Downtown NYC 1960. (Folks, you're missing out on some incredible link love here!)

While the music was outstanding (seriously, outstanding), it was a relatively small crowd that went smiling from one performance to the next, the guitar soloist, the brass players, the ensembles, singers, drummers, dancers.
And - as can be seen in the third picture - the crowd thinned out at the end. I could have stayed and listened much longer, and enjoyed seriously to walk from one session to the next - having to pass all the other parallel soundspace.

Soundspaces by the way, is likely translated best into "Klangraeume", also in Germany a term describing 'avantgarde', minimalistic, esoteric, jazz or new classics music and the accompanying mindsets.

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